
D1.1 Draft of the Scientific strategy report

D4.3 Visuals and branding materials

D3.1 KInIT research management/administration assessment report

D4.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication – Version 1

D5.1 Data management plan – Version 1

D1.2 Final Scientific strategy report

D5.4 Ethics, innovation and IPR management plan

D1.5 Replication challenge report

D2.3 Collected labelled dataset

D2.4 Scientific staff mobilities scheme – Version 1

D4.4 Report on dissemination, communication and synergy activities – Version 1

D5.2 Data management plan – Version 2

D5.5 Progress report


The focus will be on raising the reputation and research profile and collaboration attractiveness of KInIT. Wider regional and national impact of the project results will be maximized. KInIT will be introduced at prominent research venues and at academic and industry collaboration events. We plan to integrate into AI and LT international initiatives, such as CLARIN.


Implementation framework
Scientific Strategy
Research management helpdesk
Labeled data set published
Industry-academia network
Scientific seminar series delivered
Summer school delivered
Research infrastructure
All capacity-building activities completed
Sustainability of the DisAI results secured