Project Overview

In the DisAI project, the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, DFKI, University of Copenhagen and CERTH joined forces to improve  scientific excellence of KInIT in AI and language technologies to fight disinformation.

DFKI, University of Copenhagen and CERTH will be KInIT’s partners and mentors in the project focused exclusively on increasing KInIT’s scientific excellence, expertise and competences.

The R&I ecosystem of Slovakia suffers from a lack of scientific excellence and industry-academia collaboration. Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&I from the private sector in 2020 was 0.5 % of the Slovak GDP, being one of the lowest in the EU. Challenged by the lack of internationalisation, “academic inbreeding” and brain drain (second highest in EU), Slovakia continually ranks on the tail of participation and success rates in EU funding programmes.

The main objectives of the project are improving scientific excellence of KInIT in the selected areas of AI and LT, and strengthening research management and administrative skills and support for excellent research at KInIT. 

We focus on disinformation combating, which we consider one of the most important societal challenges to tackle. We already have a rising research track/record and involvement in international initiatives in the area of information disorders. Strengthening KInIT’s competencies will be achieved by building its capacity in three focus areas: 

  • Multilingual Language Technologies
  • Multimodal Natural Language Processing
  • Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Project in a nutshell

3. Partners from leading counterparts in the EU

4. Strengthening research management and administrative skills



Project Leadership

Marián Šimko

Principal Investigator, Scientific Coordination Committee, Executive Board

Michal Gregor

Research Component Lead, Executive Board

Michal Kompan

Research Management Lead, Scientific Coordination Committee

Simon Ostermann

Principal Researcher, Scientific Coordination Committee, Executive Board

Symeon (Akis) Papadopoulos

Principal Researcher, Scientific Coordination Committee

George Karantaidis

Project Lead, Executive Board

Anders Søgaard

Principal Researcher, Scientific Coordination Committee, Executive Board

Katarína Házyová

Project Manager

Thierry Declerck

Principal Researcher, Scientific Coordination Committee, Executive Board (dec 2022 – jun 2023)

Matúš Pikuliak

Research Component Lead, Executive Board (dec 2022 – jan 2024)

ResearchComponent: Multilingual LT

Michal Gregor

CBFA Lead Researcher

Simon Ostermann

Principal Researcher

Ivan Vykopal

PhD Student

Kamil Burda


ResearchComponent: Multimodal NLP

Sebastian Kula

CBFA Lead Researcher

Symeon (Akis) Papadopoulos

Principal Researcher

George Karantaidis


Ivana Beňová

PhD Student

Stefanos-Ioardanis Papadopoulos

PhD Student

Nikos Sarris


Tomáš Javůrek



The Twinning scheme aims to enhance networking activities between research institutions from the Widening countries and top-class leading counterparts in the EU. We set our main goal to help safe-guard digital society in Slovakia and beyond by improving scientific excellence and creativity of KInIT in combating harmful content with artificial intelligence (AI) and language technologies (LT).


The main objectives of the project are improving scientific excellence of KInIT in the selected areas of AI and LT, and strengthening research management and administrative skills and support for excellent research at KInIT.

Expected Impacts

The research project will focus on claim matching as a representative task of disinformation combating. We will focus will be on raising the reputation and research profile and collaboration attractiveness of KInIT. Wider regional and national impact of the project results will be maximized. KInIT will be introduced at prominent research venues and at academic and industry collaboration events. We plan to integrate into AI and LT international initiatives, such as CLARIN.